Arbor High

“For God so loved the world He gave His  only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John chapter 3 verse 16, The Bible

David Robertson - The Dawkins Letters

David Robertson, pastor of St Peter’s Free Church of Scotland in Dundee, has written a series of open letters replying to Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion chapter by chapter.  These letters are reproduced here with kind permission.

If you have read The God Delusion and would like to read one pastor’s response to it, read on ...

Dawkins Delusion

Dawkins - A Religious Non-believer

Dawkins - Respect

Dawkins - The God Hypothesis

Dawkins - Arguments for God’s Existence

Dawkins - Why there almost certainly is a God

Dawkins - The Roots and Evil of Religion

Dawkins - The Roots of Morality: Why are we good?

Dawkins - The Good Book and the Moral Zeitgeist

Dawkins - Childhood Abuse and Gap Theology

Final Letter to the Reader - Why Believe?